quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Vatican on defense about the Sexual scandals involving priests
   By CNN, adapted for this page on March 10

On About the Sexual scandals involving priests and on a defense of itself Vatican has spoken in this week that the European churches addressed this issue as an imediate problem to solve. Is it perfectly published? About this, the World Press knows the Pope's brother has involved or he is accused about a crime like this. Sexual abuse is one of the most discussed themes when the Church is a question of debate.
   As CNN has spoken: Germany, Austria and The Netherlands face now this great problem. This is a political theme, too. It's known in the Brazil there are many cases of children abused by priests. This is a national issue, too.
   You look the Vatican has defensed only the Eurpean churches. But why? What's the problem with the Brazilian Catholic Church? Reflect about it, and think what Candomblé cultural ways and Brazilian options to their cultural life is related with this?
   What do you think? Fire on wire! Cheers...

This blog is one of a composition of the BLOG DO GABRIEL NASCIMENTO by a Brazilian studen, in English. Help me to create this website making a comment.


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